Aug 5 2020

Bike Essentials For Cycling In Leitrim

By: Electric Bike Trails / Leave a Comment

Are you planning on going on an adventurous cycle in Leitrim? Then you’re going to need to be prepared for what nature can throw at you!

Here’s our list of bike cycle essentials to make sure your trip is smooth sailing or rather, smooth cycling.

The top two essentials


You can’t go for a bike cycle without a bike. If you want to go for a cycle around Lough Key Forest Park or The Shannon Blueway, but don’t have a bike of your own, consider renting one from somewhere nearby (we might know a place!).

Our friendly and experienced team can get you sorted with one of our electric bikes that’s ideal for climbing any difficult hills. We have regular bikes for rental too.


Safety is essential so you can’t go for a bike cycle without the proper protective gear. 

Make sure you’ve got a sturdy helmet that fits you properly before taking part in any long-distance trek. A helmet that is too big or too small won’t do you any good and it won’t protect you if you fall or have a crash.

Health supplies


Having water with you is an important part of any cycle. You need to stay hydrated to stay alert and healthy. You don’t want to end up dehydrated halfway through your day-long cycle; it’ll only make it difficult on your body. So make sure you have plenty of water with you. 

Snacks/energy food

Just like water snacks and energy bars are a great way to keep you going through the course of a long cycle. Try to pack enough snacks to keep you going for the day. This will keep your energy up and help stop you from becoming tired during the most important part of the trek.

Plus, by bringing snacks along you can stop for a small break and enjoy them at a scenic part on your route. 


Even if it doesn’t seem sunny out and there’s a bit of a chill in the air you can still get sunburnt if you’re not protected. 

Pack sunscreen in your bag so you can apply it to your face, arms and legs. 

You won’t realise your burning when you’re having the time of your life on a beautiful cross country cycle so make sure to stop off for some breaks so you can reapply it. 

First-aid kit

Accidents happen so if you have a fall or crash your bike you’ll need to have some first aid on hand. By packing a small first-aid kit full of bandaids, cotton wool, disinfectant wipes and some tweezers you can clean out any scrapes or bumps you get from your adventure. 

Eye protection

The sun can be pretty harsh on the eyes especially when cycling through mountainous areas so be sure to pack a pair of UV protection sunglasses to keep your eyes safe from harm.

Bike repair essentials

When going on a long bike cycle across The Shannon Blueway or through Lough Key Forest Park, you might run into some bike trouble. This is why it’s important to keep your bike repair essentials with you on any bike journey. 

The best things to have in your bike repair kit are:

  • Spare tubes 
  • Puncture repair kits
  • Bicycle pump
  • Cycling multi-tool 
  • Allen keys

Having all of these in your backpack will ensure that you won’t run into any problems along the road. 

There isn’t anything better than being outdoors and taking in the fresh air. We hope our list of bike cycling essentials has you ready to take on the great outdoors. 

If you’re looking for the perfect trail to take or want to have a go at an electric bike, then get in contact with us today and we’ll kit you out ready for any bike journey.